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Relevant Experience

I've had quite a number of experiences over the years that have informed my studies and interests, with groups and companies that have expanded upon my existing knowledge and allowed me to grown and learn.

Experience: Experience

May 20, 2022

SUNY Fredonia
Commencement Eve Pops Concert

A Salute to the Big Apple, the Commencement Eve Pops Concert features several of Fredonia's top vocalists and instrumental students in a night full of jazz.

Academic Years 2019-'20, 2020-'21, 2022-'23

Fredonia Chamber Choir

The Chamber Choir is the most advanced auditioned choir that SUNY Fredonia has to offer. Under the direction of Dr. Vernon Huff, I spent three years working with this group to put on a variety of concerts. Notable guest conductor: Stacey Gibbs

Fall 2017 - Spring 2020

SUNY Fredonia Masterworks Choir

The Fredonia Masterworks Choir works with the Symphony Orchestra and WNYCO to perform a large mass or work every semester. Notable works include Verdi's Requiem, Mozart's Theresienmesse, Berenstein's Chichester Psalms.

November 2019

Fredonia Hillman Opera Company, Cendrillon

I had the opportunity to work with the Fredonia Hillman Opera Company in the ensemble of the production of Massenet's opera Cendrillon, a french telling of the classic Cinderella story.

August 2019

Finger Lakes Opera Company, La Boheme

Based on the same story that inspired the hit musical RENT, La Boheme is a tragic story that is laced with comedy. I had the opportunity to perform onstage with the opera chorus under the direction of Gerry Floriano.

March 2020


Written by composition students at SUNY Fredonia, this was an opera scene in three parts that I was fortunate enough to perform in, originating the role of Ari B and an ensemble member.


Educational Experience

Experience: Experience

August '17 - December '21 / January '22 - May '23

SUNY Fredonia
MUSB/MM Master's in Five
Music Education - Voice, Choral Conducting

The Master's in Five program allows for music education students to begin taking graduate level courses in their junior year of undergraduate study, taking what would normally be a 4 + 2 program and making it a 4 + 1 with some overlap. I followed the General Choral track with Voice for my bachelor's, and am currently following the Choral Conducting Recital path for my master's.

December 2019, 2021

NYSSMA Winter Conference (Panelist)

This conference has a multitude of workshops and masterclasses for active or prospective teachers to attend to further their knowledge and skills. In the winter of 2021 I was fortunate enough to help lead a session by participating on a panel of active student teachers.

September 1, 2021 - October 22, 2021

Student Teaching - Dunkirk, NY

For my first student teaching placement, I was at Dunkirk Intermediate School working with grades 3-5. Due to the nature of their lack of formal instruction due to the intense lockdown in the year prior, I was able to form my own curriculum and design my own instruction for the general music classes that I taught.

October 25, 2021 - December 17, 2021

Student Teaching - Silver Creek, NY

For my second student teaching placement, I was at Silver Creek High School working with grades 6-12. I taught a variety of classes, including the following: guitar, piano, music theory, general music, 6 grade choir, 7/8 grade choir, 9-12 grade choir, 9-12 select choir, and a theatre class.

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